Another man alone meal. A SLIGHT upgrade from chilimacandjaps, but the leftover mac and cheese and the TV tray bring me back to square one. However that ribeye was grilled to perfection .

I finished this little shelf I was working on for the bathroom. It turned out pretty well.

Took this closeup of the grain at the bottom of the shelf. I could go for a swim in that golden deliciousness.

Back outside to the humid Austin Wonderland. Funny sidenote before I go. Our neighbor Maria from a few houses down came up to my nasty ole backyard a couple days ago and says to me... "Hey, are you the Baldman?" The internet, I tell ya... it's a magical place. She let me dig through some wood they were going to get rid of, b/c she's awesome... She also couldn't find my email on this ole site, so maybe I'll figure that out someday. I can tell you it's this though... BALDMANMOD [at] GMAIL [dot] COM! UN [til] NEXT [time], bruthas [and] sistas!
That shelf really is rad, Chad! You and your talents are incredible! XOXOX
The bathroom and steak look tasty!
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