Honestly, I don't know how it happened, but I finished some golldang projects up in har. I painted those supports, (and the screen door- might post a pic if I'm bold enough to go back outside ever agane)- but check it out. Filing cabinet turned planter is DONE. I built some quicky planter boxes and put em inside each drawer slot, then spray painted it yellow...

Then I blew my entire
Big Red Sun gift certificate (thanks Amber) on these succulents, and WHAMMO! BIG YELLA PLANTER!

Luckily I timed my excursion to the place after they had just picked up some new plants from their growers. Unluckily, I also showed up on said day they decided to go to the growers/close the store.

Need to get me some mo potting soil to raise these beds a touch. This succulent is pretty radical.

To keep on the painting tip I MAY git a wild hair to paint those poles that hold up our party cover (read weird old carport in the backyard) that are all rusted and seen in the background here. I also might wait til Texas is moved to Canada before starting that project.