Saws and power tools got a work out... Here the biscuit joiner cut some slots, I put some wood biscuits up in thar, and got my glue on.
Behold thine tasty biscuits.

I won some hairpin legs on ebay, and they fit like a champ.

Crummy pic, but I got me some European hinges for the door, because the Europeans don't like to see their hinges, and I'm 110% European, mes amis.

Table one done. Who wants the next?
oh my god! it is beautiful. i want one for reals. i can't even think of anything cute or funny to say cause it's so freakin' pretty.
Thanks Jenny G! Glad my table turns people witty-less... I guess?
Where did you get all of your many talents, MY SON?? Hmmmmmm???? Did I hear you say from your mom??? Okay, I guess I can't take credit for this wooden piece of art. It's great!! XOXOXO
this table RULES. seriously. i said about a million times already - I WANT ONE.
Gorgeous table!! It's really beautiful! Get that thing up on Etsy and quick!!
(P.S.) I have a biscuit joiner injury story for you if want to hear what not to do. :)
I guess on third on the list for one of these beautiful tables?!? Put me down for one! Awesome!
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