It ain't easy being at the spray park with the paparazzi all up in your bidness, but our baby finds a way to cope.

She took my dad and me to eat for father's day... out of the limelight and into the burritos! Zocalo!!! My parents pulled a fast one on me, and took my child away for 5 days... Tis bittersweet. I began/yet have not finished several needed projects.

This dood's stereo that's been in our backyard for months has finally been sanded down quite a bit, and had a couple test runs with the finishing. It's gettin somewhere.

I took down some old lady blinds, painted window trim and put up some new blinds. This is the most finished project, hovering around 94 percent complete.

Julie got me this awesome book for father's day... Yeah brah, that cover is real plywood!

The book got me in the mood, so I wobbled down to the local cool wood store, and picked up this here gigantic piece of bending birch plywood. That project to come is entitled, "New Nightstands". Julie calls it, "Get That Giant Piece of Crap out of the Dining Room", yet she only calls it that in her head.

I'm whipping up some cabinets for the bathroom that are in the following condition. They've got a ways to go. This is the small top cabinet.

This here is the bottom large cabinet. If they were running a marathon, and being on the wall with towels in them was the finish line, I'd say these guys are on Biggest Loser and are walking eating cheeseburgers around mile 7. Someday though, they'll be a sweaty puking mess, but they'll be on that wall, by god!! Going to get claire tomorrow, so we'll see if anything else gets accomplished. I have yet to begin the bathroom finishing details that we paid someone else to do, however, so add that to the mix.
1 comment:
very nice and good job
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