Sorry for the serious lack of posts here yous, but you see the family and I just got back from the crystal clear waters of Higgins Lake Meeeeeeeeechigan!
Maybe it wasn't the brightest idea to become uber famous with a filing cabinet, then leave all my new lovers in the lurch, but when you have the chance to go to Higgins Lake, you take it!
Word has it that National Geographic Magazine ranked Higgins Lake as the "6th Most Beautiful Lake in the World." My family has been going there since the Big Bang, so this it the only lake I knew growing up. We moved to Texas when I was a youngster, and lakes here... well, I don't think they cracked the top ten on that list of pretty lakes. Or the top million probably. Lucky for us though, my grandparents have a place right on the lake. With a boat. We live the good life for a week once a year with em.
My grandpa was like, "I don't get it. Why'd you take a picture of the logs?" You might ask yourself the same...

The other part about Michigan is the state is slathered with cool mid century items and houses. I mean Herman Miller Headquarters is in Zeeland, Michigan you know? And scattered throughout my grandparents' house are cool numbers like this lamp... I'm hoping it'll be left to me along with the homemade strawberry jelly down in the basement freezer.
It was Claire's first time to the lake... It won't be her last.
And you left us all back here in Texas with this *%@# heat!?
Hi! Would you give me a hand ? How did you manage to post the following post, I mean, the image of the whole page in design sponge ? I've been featured on others' blogs and don't know how to post like this. Thanks !
Hey, I have connections with your grandparents. I can arrange more trips to the lake along with lots of the household goodies. What's it worth to ya? Maybe that "love" at the end of your blog? I'll work out a trade!! XOXO
it's dreamy. i want to go.
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