As a design departure, let's take a trip around Baldy's SXSW day show acts taken in... well, at least the ones he took a couple pictures of, that is.

For the most part, I'm a rock dood. I like rock and roll and bands with doods performing it. Might sound like a sexist? Maybe, but then there's Palomar. They are the cutest girls bringing the best pop ever, IMHO (Nicki had to tell me what that meant.) The pop is hard and fast and good. Downside was the lead singer had laryngitis, so there sets were a wee bit short/not EXACTLY up to snuff, but the first time I saw them this year, I had a free giant burrito and free dos xx's, so I'm not one to complain. Divya got to hang out with them, and gave insider's scoop to me about them. I could go on and on, but lettuce continue.

For the most part, I'm a rock dood. I like rock and roll and bands with doods performing it. Might sound like a sexist? Maybe, but then there's Palomar. They are the cutest girls bringing the best pop ever, IMHO (Nicki had to tell me what that meant.) The pop is hard and fast and good. Downside was the lead singer had laryngitis, so there sets were a wee bit short/not EXACTLY up to snuff, but the first time I saw them this year, I had a free giant burrito and free dos xx's, so I'm not one to complain. Divya got to hang out with them, and gave insider's scoop to me about them. I could go on and on, but lettuce continue.
We headed over to Breakaway Records to watch the Cynics play in the parking lot. The guitar player for the Cynics also owns Get Hip Records, and distributes some of my record label stuff, so I did ultra light shmoozing there... actually Julie did most of it for me. They were great, and have been doing it for who knows... 20 years? Probably longer... anyway, they had it down.
My fave act of the year was the Black Diamond Heavies. Two guys- one on the organ and one on drums. They are the best/loudest/gravel-iest rockandrollingist two guys I see play. I saw em twice actually- once at a bike shop (more free beer), and once again at Breakaway Records. Julie got to see them for the first time and recognized their badassness first hand. Everytime I see them, there's a line of people looking to buy stuff from them afterwards. I didn't take this pic, but the singer/organist was shirtless like this... and greasy. No- greezy...
Also got to see Jack O and the Tearjerkers play... FINALLY. Been trying to get to see them for a while now... especially since Jack O is Jack Oblivian of the Oblivians, AND plays in South Filthy on one Licorice Tree Records (toot toot). Anyway, Walter Daniels (also in South Filthy) is a local dood seen here playing harmonica (harp, if you rock) and is an all around super nice guy with way wicked skills, as seen in a short clip I shot below.
Anyhoo, another great time at South by Southwest... and ALL FREE. Day shows are the way to go. Back to designland soon.
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