Fairlyrandompost Friday. It’s just that I ran across this pic of these mugs that my parents got me for Christmas. They started at at stiff 45 bucks on
Etsy, but one broke, and they knocked the price down to 10 bucks. I guess people prefer to drink in fours? In my house, my wife doesn’t drink coffee at all, so I have two other people to share my awesome mugs with (unless it’s Julie’s hot chocolate day, then only one person can drink out of the cool mug, and everyone else will have to battle over the following vessels: the Norwegian Cruise Line cup, the Le Montreaux Apartments cup, and the Professional Tape & Communication Supply cup).
Don't forget the awesome Supersuckers mug (?) That one is HELLA coo!!!
True true... that bad boy is up at the workplace though currently... as am i, as i get my blog on!
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Dibs on the Pro Tape mug.
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