How do artists work? I feel like I came from this artisty family, but maybe got short changed on those genes? I’d prefer to think they just are lying dormant. Our friend Lisa (who told us about the beer can house in Houston) also has a sister who does these great flower/grass/nature type installations that really rule.

Her name is Amy Albracht, and it’d be cool to have this retractable blossom number on our wall, or that wheat growing out of our floor. This is the type of indoor plantlife we need to take care of, but will probably still kill somehow.
She’s also part of this color consultant group that’s been painting some wicked colors on school walls. I’m just sayin that I hope those artist genes come to the surface quickly because I’m currently labeling mini dv tapes for a living, and I don’t want to pass those kind of genes on to the next sap.
We should take a field trip to Brooklyn to visit her studio!
i'm totally in. maybe more in than you want me to be.
Chad, I'm likin' the art! I wonder if she does anything in leaves that could pop out of the wall or stone fireplace. You have something here that gets my vote, BaldManMODboy!
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