So here's the thing... what do we do? Day Care? Work part time? Quit altogether? We're pretty clueless... I'd like to work from the house but not sure how... If anyone is dumpin the day job, it'd be me, as Julie has a great job that she also loves. Anyone have a daycare they love? What this baby daddy supposed to do? Strap her to my back as I work in the field? Seriously, suggestions are highly suggested. Also giving me your super awesome crib/changing table/high chair is highly suggested.
i think you would be an awesome stay at home dad (not that Julie wouldn't be an awesome stay at home mom!). and with the price of gas and daycare, you might be surprised at the cost difference in working/staying home....plus baby gets the extra benefit of staying home with pappa! just my two cents....i'll let you know in 12 years how it works out for us :-). if our girls end up on a clock tower, i take this all back.
I concur with dpk. Is your back strong enough for two? My kid would love his stay-at-home Uncle Baldman.
Congratulations! It's a blast especially when your 5 yr-old-daughter yells "Holy Shit" in public and proclaims, when asked what she wants to be when she grows up, she proudly says "a bowling champion." To which I replied, "holy shit!...a bowling champion, that's AWESOME, Little G!"
i'd be happy if our kid washed balls of a bowling champion!
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