Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Filing Planter Returns!

I ended up leveling out the beds to the filing cabinet planter... and threw in this "Before" shot for posterity.

I think this jazz looks better now as one cohesive unit, instead of different little beds stuck in their filing drawers. More pics below, then I promise to not go overboard on this filing planter banter no mo.


Jenn G. said...

didn't think it could get better, but it did

Saul L. said...

Hey, really like your idea & the outcome. Was wondering though, how did you deal with the ugly base...filling it in or covering it over? Or, was this a cabinet that did not have one & was just a solid bottom?

Thanks & again, nice work!

CK said...

oh yeah, the one i got had a solid bottom so i lucked out! this was an anderson hickey cabinet but i think the Hon cabinets would work too. thanks for the kind words!

amigander said...

This is great! I followed the link from Design Sponge to find you. I've been looking for a way to do raised beds on my driveway, since that's the only place I get sun. Maybe I'll do some file-cabinet planters instead....question: Are the planting boxes necessary, or could I just fill up the cabinet, you think?

CK said...

Ami you could totally fill up the cabinet without the boxes. i thought it'd be a lot of dirt so i built boxes... but also, building boxes takes some time, so you know... thanks for checking it out!

Anonymous said...

this is awesome! in fact your whole site is a delight. i followed the link from designsponge and am glad i did, especially cuz i'm a fellow austinite. howdeeee!

miriam said...

Love this idea and I have an empty filing cabinet! Now if I could just get it out of the weighs a ton.

Did you drill any holes for drainage or anything before planting it?

CK said...

Holla Austinite! Miriam, good luck getting that filing cabinet up... take out those drawers first and it MIGHT be doable! for drainage i just loaded up the treated plywood boxes with a ton of gravel at the bottom of each one... we'll see- hopefully it'll work out!

Unknown said...

This is a great idea. Just curious, do you have any rust problems either with water run off from watering the plants or with the rain? I'd just be concerned that water passing over the metal cabinet would eventually rust and then stain the surface it sits on.

Any thoughts? I love this idea and hope to build one myself.



Knox Court - A Mid-Century Modern Makeover said...

yessssssss. Just found out that my office is getting rid of our old filing cabinets and giving them to whoever wants them. No one else in our office wants them...but they don't know about these! What a great idea. Thank you so much for sharing.

James Robles said...

Hi nice readingg your blog

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