Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Battle is Over...

The Before:

The After:

Finally these supports are done! Geez doods. Never in a million years did I know the pain of paint scraping in 100 + heat. I gotta hand it to those roofers... they are nutzo.

The real lame part is that there are still chunks o old paint that I just couldn't scrape. I tried, mind you, but could NOT get it all... and after several attempts, stubborn 70 year old paint and heat induced delirium win the battle.

Think I'm going to paint the screen door this navy-ish color too. Then get on those concrete planters to put in that empty zone on either side of that sidewalk. I'll be sure to get on all that soon as it's January. For now, it's icy beverages in the AC, and dreaming about that cool Michigan lake that we'll be diving in come this time 3 weeks from now.


Annie said...

Great job, great look!

Anonymous said...

It looks a whole lot better, Chad! I think painting the screen door the same color is a good idea. (How about shutters??) XOXO Mom

Deanna said...

your hard work paid off because it looks awesome. painting the screen door will really tie it all together.

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