Brahs n sahs, we need some landscaping like nobody's bidness. We have new siding that looks great, and a new front door, and giant weeds that have bloomed up past the windows. I shant even take a picture...

So I've been perusing different pics to figure out what the hay. We need some serious xeriscaping since you know... they need little upkeep. I'm assuming dandelions could be considered xeriscaping... anyhoo, I have a solar powered fountain that needed a cool pot, and I saw these old guys whilst looking at Jenn Ski's Modern Landscaping flickr group. That same day, we went to the Birth of the Cool exhibit, and on display was that rad planter with the legs shooting through the middle!
I did get me a couple cool giftcards recently to Gardens and Big Red Sun. Those joints can burn up a giftcard by the time you park the car in the lot unfortunately... It's cool though- can't wait to use em. Also, pa is coming down to help me get some decomposed granite at the Natural Gardener to slosh around the backyard under the party cover (read: carport in the yard). We'll be on our way... been watching too much DIY Network, and need this chump to hit me up and fix up our yards for free. Til then, it's me, the giftcards, and these bitchin weeds.
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